
If you only read one inter­view with secu­ri­ty and cryp­tog­ra­phy expert Bruce Schneier today, make it this one host­ed by Freako­nom­ics co-author Stephen Dub­n­er, with ques­tions sub­mit­ted by his blog read­ers. Loads of great links to posts and arti­cles by Schneier on issues of secu­ri­ty, most of which comes down to ques­tions of eco­nom­ics (and why it is on the Freako­nom­ics blog). Just one short quote:

I write my pass­words down. There’s this ram­pant myth that you shouldn’t write your pass­words down. My advice is exact­ly the oppo­site. We already know how to secure small bits of paper. Write your pass­words down on a small bit of paper, and put it with all of your oth­er valu­able small bits of paper: in your wallet.

By Jason Coleman

Structural engineer and technical content manager Bentley Systems by day. Geeky father and husband all the rest of time.

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